Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
The Sun City Woodworkers and Model Makers Guild has several Special Interest Groups devoted to meeting the varied interests of our members. SIGs may provide additional training, access to more specialized equipment, and the opportunity to meet with like minded members.
Model Railroad Hours of Operation:
Club Members Only
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9AM-4PM
Public Hours on Friday
HO (Palmetto Southern): 1PM-3 PM (Until March 31) 10 AM - noon (Apr 1 - Oct 31)
G (Red Dam Express): 1PM-3 PM (Until March 31) 10 AM - noon (Apr 1 - Oct 31)
Our goals are to foster greater comfort and confidence in using the Woodshop and encourage camaraderie. Our meetings will either have a program, a class to make something specific, or time for members needing help on individual projects they are working on. During the spring and summer months we also work on guild projects to be sold at the fall sale. Most months we have a social luncheon at a restaurant in the area.
We meet at 4:45pm on the first and third Mondays of the month and the Wednesday that is in between.
All women graduating from the basic cluster classes, unless they ask not to be included, will be members of the Woodchick SIG and get emails from the Woodchicks with announcements of activities.
The Technology SIG exists to support the training and operation of advanced technology in the shop. Current focus areas include CNC Routers, Laser engravers, 3d printing and Micro Electronics. The Guild has a CNC Router, a Laser/Engraver, and several 3d printers for the exclusive use of SIG members. In support of this Mission, the SIG provides specific training, specialized supplies, and tools.
Introductory classes and classes covering specific software packages are offered to guild members. Machine qualification training and machine specific project classes are offered exclusively to TSIG Members.
The monthly meeting typically includes short video presentations on technology topics as well as sharing of member projects aligned with the SIGs mission.
SIG Dues are $20.00 / year.
General SIG meetings are held monthly on the 1st Wednesday 5:00-6:30, at the Woodshop.
We are dedicated to turning wood. Through the use of a lathe, we create articles of art, craft and utility.
We meet at 6 pm on the second Monday at the Woodshop. No meetings in July, August, or December. Each meeting features a turning demonstration. All residents are welcome.
No preregistration required.
The Woodcarving SIG welcomes anyone interested in carving, regardless of skill level. We have some very experienced carvers that can guide you as you get started in carving. Free lessons!
Woodcarving tools and safety equipment are available for use by members until they become skilled enough to know what kind of tools they would like to purchase on their own. The SIG also has a growing library of books and articles with step-by-step instructions on carving a variety of projects including Santas, Angels, Birds (and other Animals), Signs, Fish, and many other unique projects that you may be interested in.
New members will need to join the Guild and complete BOS (Basic Orientation and Safety Training), but do not have to take the Cluster/Practicum training if they do not want to operate the Guild machinery.
We meet every Wednesday from 9-11 AM in the Guild Resource Room. We have a 50-50 balance of men and women that regularly carve with our group. Stop by to see us and what we are working on, we love to show our work to others!
If you have any questions please contact me. I hope to see you soon.